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Margie Lamberson

Margie Lamberson

Education and work history: I have been working professionally in the nonprofit world for over twenty-seven years. My favorite thing about working with nonprofits is bringing opportunities to donors to fulfill their philanthropic aspirations, no matter how big or small! 

I am a lifelong Lancaster resident and earned my B.S. from Drexel University and in 2013 became a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE). I am a graduate of Leadership Lancaster and currently serve as Co–President of the Susquehanna Valley Council of Charitable Gift Planners. 

What is the best part of your job? I am honored to join a dedicated staff, board, and volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that children who face the challenges of the court systems have their voice heard. I hope I can bring the stories of these children and the impact that donors and volunteers make to their lives and how we can make a difference one child at a time. 

What do you do in your spare time? My husband and I stay busy on our wooded property outside of Millersville gardening and keeping up with the wildlife. We have 2 grown children that we are immensely proud of. Some of my favorite hobbies include modern dance, yoga, kayaking, hiking, and traveling. I am especially proud to be a member of the Grant Street Dance Company, an inter-generational modern dance company located in Lancaster.

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete? Figure Skating

What was your favorite childhood book? Where the Wild Things Are

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be? Martha Graham

Contact Margie: or (717) 286-1436